Initial Admission Amount inclusive of admission fee, annual fee, first term tuition fee (April – June) and social welfare fund] are to be paid at the time of the admission through Demand Draft in favour of “CSDS Global Academy” payable at Lucknow.
After admission, all future installments and dues may be deposited online or by Cheque in favor of “CSDS Global Academy,” payable at Lucknow .
Those seeking admission mid-term will need to pay the entire fees for the term they are applying for, subject to availability of seats.
Delayed payment of fee for any reason will result in a penalty being imposed of Rs. 100/- after the due date, and thereafter @ Rs. 50/- per week.
The penalty for late payment of fee will not be waived under any circumstances.
The School authorities do not send out/provide payment bills, reminders for fees or dues, and neither is it incumbent on them to send such reminders. Parents are therefore requested to make all payments in time to avoid late payment penalties.
A charge of Rs. 500/- per cheque will be levied in case of a cheque being returned or dishonoured along with the late fee as mentioned above.
In cases where children join the classes late, owing to illness or any other such causes, the full fee would still be payable.
The fee schedule provided by the Admission Office may be revised from time to time at the discretion of the Management of CSD Sahara Global Academy. The same will be communicated to the parents and would be non-negotiable.
The School will not entertain requests to furnish statements of accounts for dues paid during the year. The complete details of each remittance received by the School are provided in the School’s official receipt, which should be preserved carefully by the parents and studied in case of any doubt.
If admission procedures are not completed before the due date, admission to that grade/class will be forfeited.
The school authorities reserve the right to refuse admission to a student in case of non-compliance with the selection criteria. They also reserve the right to expel any student whose conduct is found to be unsatisfactory and therefore, detrimental to the school’s interests.
The school reserves the right to suspend/cancel the admission of a student anytime during the academic year, based on its sole discretion, if the student/parent fails to maintain a code of conduct adopted by the school or/and if the conduct of the student is unsatisfactory/mischievous, causing persistent insubordination or if he/she indulges in malpractices or acts of indiscipline or misbehaviour, verbal and sexual misconduct, physical abuse or attacks, ragging and bullying, the use of foul language, vandalism of school property or has a negative influence on other students or/and exhibits indifference or lack of interest towards studies and therefore, is unable to avail himself/herself of the educational opportunities offered at the school.
The opinion and decision of the School Authorities in the above context will be final and binding on the student and the parent.
The management of the School reserves the right to suspend/cancel the admission of the student anytime during the academic year if the student is suffering from any serious/contagious ailment/disease/infirmity/condition or any psychiatric/psychological disorder, which may put the other students of the School at risk.
Parents are bound to adhere to and comply with the Regulations/Rules/Policies/ Circulars of the School notified from time to time. The parents on their part should not disrupt the peaceful atmosphere prevailing in the school by leading or supporting a morcha/ protest/ dharna or malign or defame the School/Management or circulate/post any false/defamatory/denigratory statement across various media forums or act in a manner that is harmful or prejudicial to the interest of the School.
In the event of any parent found to be directly or indirectly indulging in any of the aforesaid activities or in any manner interfering with the smooth operation of the School, the management reserves the right to suspend/cancel the admission of their child/children without prior notification
Payment Hours at School Campus : Monday to Friday (08:00 hrs to 14:00 hrs);
Any payment by DD/Cheque would be subject to realisation