- Please inform the school immediately if there is any change in address, telephone numbers or the bus route
- Closely monitor your ward’s progress by checking the school almanac every day and paying attention to their punctuality, discipline and submission of school assignments.
- Encourage your ward to take balanced interest in studies, co-curricular activities and sports.
- Monitor the internet access of your ward and limit television viewing to appropriate programmes and duration.
- Contact school to discuss and decide a plan of action to handle the problems (academic as well and behavioural) if any, of your ward.
- Restrict pocket money to a minimal amount. Excessive spending in school should be discouraged.
- Ensure that during the ward’s absence from school, works done in the classes are covered.
- Please provide a supportive value-based environment to your ward at home.
- Take care of your ward’s mental health and emotions.
- Ensure that your ward appears for all tests as per the schedule given in the Almanac. In case the child is unable to take the examination, prior intimation must be given to the Class Teacher in writing.
- Discourage your ward from taking leave during the examination days.